Saturday 22 September 2007

Inner side of Me

Inner side of Me

I have decided after one year working period, I will start to take up an undergraduate program from private uni because I scare that I will wait for e right timing until that I don’t have the mentality to study then don’t wan to study.. haha.

My Study Path…

Primary School (EM3) – 6years

Secondary School (Normal Technical) – 4years

ITE (Nitec Cert - Office Skills) – 1year

ITE (Higher Nitec – Accounting) – 2years

Poly (Business Studies) – 3years

Private University (???) – 1.5years / 3years

Getting a degree cert which I have never thought of it before. Looking back to my study path, I am a EM3 student. The sociality will have the mind set that EM3 only can to go ITE which means that it is the end (no future). Especially during that period I have very very low self-confident. I have tried my best already, I really don’t understand. My mum sends me for tuition (Pri1-Pri5) but I still don’t understand. Until Pri6, I met a very good tutor or don’t she will hit me when I do wrong. She inspire me by a pencil holder.. I will never forget the incident. I was having tuition at her house with EM2 students. I saw this beautiful japans pencil holder with japans design pencils, my tutor know that I like this pencil holder so She told me that If I am the top student for my coming exam, she will give me the pencil holder. With her help, I did well for my study. I got scholarships. During that time my primary school standard is not that high. When she give me the pencil holder, the EM2 student asked that my tutor why give me the pencil (told my tutor don’t it to give me) then she reply that I am top student. I feel very thankfully. Every time when I think of childhood time, I will feel down and cry.

During secondary school time, I have a best fren. Our goal is to go to polytechnics. We support each other. We went to same ITE school. The last semester exam, I was very stress over the third semester result. I am until I have gastric. I got a B grade for accounting module (7 credits) which will pull my GPA down a lot. I need to get at an A grade to maintain as GPA 3.4plus. My sec school fren ask me whether I want to apply for every poly intake. I reply ok. I thought just try my luck if didn’t get it jus waste money. IF I didn’t try at least, I will never know I can get in or not then I will feel regret. To me regret is a very strong word for me. I don’t want to feel regret for anything that y all the while I will try my best. At first I though it will be a better chance for me to get a place in TP. In end I am I wrong TP full book. Lucky I got apply NP. We went to apply is the last day of enrolment as administer told us.

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