Saturday 19 January 2008

A Memorable Thursday, 17 Jan 2007

A Memorable Thursday, 17 Jan 2007

This few weeks, I have been busy with project, road show, test and school work continues non-stop. Haix... I feel very tired. Finally I can rest for a while, next week I will have Franchising retest, RM & Integrated project presentation, WISP project submission.

Last Thursday was not a very good day for me. I went for interview with one of the local banks thus I didn’t attend tutorial. I feel so sad (at home cry)…
Maybe that I was too stress up or not in the good mood (I agree that I am a moody person) as I didn’t expected that the interview will be that hard and over heard from my classmate that I have to retake my Franchising test.

The next day, I have found out that I am not the only person who has fails for the test then I feel a bit relief.
Now I really need to study hard le..

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