Wednesday 30 January 2008

Second Interview with hr

This few weeks nothing much have happened to me.. As usual prepare for Chinese New Year and examination.

Expect that Today I have received a call from hr department regarding that the second interview will be held on 13 Feb. 2008. Actually today I should have an interview with hr but I told the hr personnel that I can’t make it as I have an important tutorial. Lucky she call back.. Some of friends told me that usually for second interview, most likely I will get the job but just the term that am I ok with the term and condition. I am not too sure about that, see how it’s goes. Wish me good luck ba..

I like this handbag. I wish to have it.. keke Therefore I need to save up for it

USD$228(official website) x Foreign exchange rate + Shipment fee= > SGD$500 (My budget)
Hopefully the cost of it will not be over my budget. keke

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